Saturday, May 22, 2010

BWM camp

While on deputation Mike and I are required to attend to BWM weeks at Camp Joy. The downside is having to find a place for our kids and being away from them Thankfully as I mentioned before Laura was able to come up and watch the younger two while Mike's mom was able to watch Caleb. She teaches part time but was able to make arrangements for Caleb to attend the K-5 class on those days. It was good and he had so much fun with all that attention. Titus also became quite the talker while he didn't have to compete with his older brother. This year we were privileged to have Dr Ed Nelson as the key speaker for our week. He is 86 years old, with a beautiful head of white hair and a funny personality. Most importantly is was the founder of BWM and has taken many strong stands on separation in his past. It was so neat and interesting to hear the history of Baptists first hand. One night he preached about being godly isn't just a title but a lifestyle..if you aren't living a daily Spirit filled life (devotions, relationships, mouth, attitudes)then you aren't godly. He talked much about letting the Word of Christ dwell in you richly and remembering the important things. We also heard some great sermons from our new Director, Bud Steadman and our new furlough head, Dr Canedy as well as some of our Region directors. Some of the things God taught me included:
God tailors our loads.
Remember to thank God every day for sending his son, and for my salvation.
I need to be Urgent in telling other lost souls about my Savior.
I am on the narrow road, others pass me on the wide road and I must seek to win them as I "bump" into them on my way to eternal life so they can be saved from the destruction they are heading to.
The world is the system of man with God left out. Although the things of the world are attractive, the things of the world bring no fruit.
There is a more important building project then bricks and mortar. Building lives is our most important work. We need God's power, if we don't have His power we need to see where we lost it. Power comes only from the Lord.
You may may feel like this is a lot but this was just in the evening sessions. We had sessions from 8 AM till after 9 each day with breaks for meals and very few breaks. Let me tell you it was a LoNG time to sit, thankfully it was very good and I brought a pillow along. :) In the evenings we did have a few good times to fellowship and pray with other missionaries on deputation. That is always neat to spend time with others who have the same desires as you.
I had an interesting thing happen to me while there. Mike and I stayed in a camp room on the "boys" side of the lodge. Each morning or evening I had to go over to the "girls" side to take my shower. I tried to do it early or late as not to have to worry about others being out. One night I waited till all had gone to their rooms and went over to take my shower. I put my leg up on one wall to shave and my other foot slipped out from under me and before I knew what had happened I was on the floor but my leg had slid under a 4 inch divider wall. I sat there for several minutes, I ruled out a break and was pretty sure it wasn't sprained but I did have a great bruise and at least 2 inches of skin peeled back. I hobbled back to the room and showed Mike. In the morning I expected worse but it wasn't swelled. It is almost 3 weeks later (yes I am that behind on my posts). I have many people ask "What happened?" It is a little strange to say.. "I slipped in a shower..." but that's my story.

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