Monday, April 19, 2010


I just realized I was a little out of order here on my blog because Crater Lake was on Monday. Tuesday was a different kind of day, and yet normal at the same time. Holly had school. Laura and I stayed back to do some visitation with Ellen and we also went by the prison to fix some hymnbooks. Unfortunately it wasn't until we started stapling them that we realized we didn't have extra staples so we had to take them home. We also stopped by the hospital to see a mom who had a premature baby and were able to have a good talk with her and her sister alone. Most rooms have 3-4 ladies but she had just been moved to this new room.
One of the hardest things I faced being there was the language barrier. Most people spoke French and so it was hard to not be able to talk with them. I was thankful this day to meet a man at the prison who spoke English and told me how he was saved. After lunch we headed to another Bible study with a lady who has 2 small kids and speaks English. Holly taught on sanctification...going through a book study. Then she had lots of questions about what they do in America. Ellen called and told us our outfits were ready at the market. So we took a Taxi ride to the big market to get our outfits. We thought it would be pretty safe since the three of us would at least fill up the backseat (after the next day, I am not sure I would have thought this way but you will have to wait for that story). We also had extra time just to walk around and I got a soccer shirt for Mike and some shoes for Abe. Then another taxi ride back. Nothing to eventful to share - but actually we were really glad about that :) Holly made homemade biscuits for Tuesday's dinner of sausage gravy and biscuits. It was really good, although different. I tried on the 2 outfits outfits and skirt I had made and was happy with all of their fit except one skirt. This is a picture of the fancy one that was made for me. Laura at this point was beginning to feel sick and had to head to bed for the evening.

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