Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nkoufumlum clinic

Holly made us eggs again this morning, then off she went to school, I stayed back an hour and worked on my lessons for Awkaya (pronounced Akoya) then Ellen, Pastor Eric (single African who is in the seminary school), his little niece Elsie (3 I think), Holly, Me and Ernistine (single African nurse assistant who is around 30) headed out in the truck to do a clinic. You would think that is a packed truck? not in Africa. We thought we may have to take Mama Gogo with us we saw her on the road though and she said no not till the next day. To get to Nkoufumlum you have to go only on bad dirt roads. Halfway there Ellen picks up a stranger headed to the clinic and put her in the backseat with the 3 of us girls...less room to bump around on the road I guess? Holly and I worked the pharmacy after Erik preached that Jesus Christ was more than a prophet. Then Ellen and Ernistine saw patients. Holly and I (with Eslie's help) counted and cut pills, filling the prescriptions. It was a long day. I was thankful to be under a roof in a nice room with a great breeze. We also packed lettuce, cheese and bacon sandwiches (thanks to my parents) and Carol sent along really good cinnamon rolls too. The people that came were half Fulani and some French. We saw many pregnant ladies and babies..which also means you have to cut all the pills is 1/4ths. Eslie clung to me all day and wanted me or Holly to be holding her at all times. We saw about 46 patients today. Different people would come by to sell food to those waiting and at the end of the day one lady brought an animal in a cooking pot. When we asked what it was the response was "Cat." We found out not like our domestic cat but bigger and closer to a cheetah. The area it is in is a strong Muslim area. On the way home we stating packing up and getting in the truck and there is a lot of stuff in the back already..cooler, bags, purses with cameras and water bottles. So anyway 3 ladies and their 2 babies need a ride and Ellen says OK and I saw WHAT? I don't usually respond out loud like this but I thought for sure she must be kidding. But she wasn't it took us a while to get all the doors closed so Holly had Eslie on her lap and the cooler, then me with Ellen's huge prison bag on my lap and wilds bag on feet, next Ernistine and then a Fulani women and her baby - that is 6 in one seat!!! then in the front you have Ellen her stick shift, 2 Fulani ladies, one has a baby and Pastor Erik - CRAZY. Holly says this is normal and fun - WHAT?
I did see another group of 4 on a motorcycle today and a white man walking down the road. We only made it back in time for the prayer requests and prayer time at church. Normally Carol would have been along and it wouldn't have taken as long, but she was home with a sick kid. We were glad to find Laura there doing much better. After church we had dinner and were very surprised to hear after dinner that Pastor Tom called and said he would take us to Akwaya tomorrow. The dust had been so bad we didn't think we would be able to go, it still was bad but he went flying and said as long as we went early it would work. Ellen Marnie and I are to be at the airport at 8 then Holly and Laura will join us at 10. Then us 3 sisters would come back Sunday after morning church and Ellen and Marnie can't come back till Monday.

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