Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring in WV

This picture is taken at the farm right before we left. I was surprised to find here in New England there is actually more green buds on the trees then in WV. However, it was much warmer in WV. WE had close to 90 degree weather there before we started travelling and unfortunately I packed accordingly with mostly shorts instead of pants in the suitcase for the boys. We have had a few days in the 60-70 here in CT. It is pretty and spacious up here. We are actually staying close to the border of MA and RI, which is pretty cool.
I am going to guess most of my blog readers are also facebook friends and know about Mike's health issues. The day before we were going to take off for 3 Sundays in the New England area, Mike went to the ER to try to find some answers to his pain. They ruled out some major things but didn't give us any good answers to what might be causing the problems. We left the next morning anyway, continuing to pray everyday for him to feel better. His strongest pain is under his sternum and a few days that was dull but even now he continues to be in pain. Today it is mostly in his back/kidney area. We really have no idea what is wrong and where to even go from here. He has changed things in his diet, researched Crohn's disease, and other options. Still we just don't know. We will get back to WV Tuesday but only for a few days before we have to be in WI. Please pray for us to have wisdom which tests to have done, answers, and healing :)

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