Monday, April 19, 2010


While we were in Africa, I got sick. It was really no surprise to me I figured I would at some point. I am a pretty picky and plain food eater but it wasn't the food that got me..not that I really ate much African food. Saturday we had the Fants over for lunch and then had a Ladies session over at the church. Toward the end I could tell I had a fever and my stomach wasn't feeling well either. I stayed for the Family conference service too but then we headed home immediately after. The church people ended up staying quite late with many questions for Pastor Fant about how to have godly home and raise their children. I tried taking some liquid pepto for my stomach which immediately made me vomit. I went to bed freezing, actually shivering even though I was wearing a sweatshirt and it was over 70 degrees. In the morning we took my temperature and it was over 100. I had planned to do Junior church and was going to teach about the 10 commandments and read the story of Madugu, finishing with making wordless books. But I had to turn these responsibilities over to my sisters. The services are done in French and English. The kids loved making the books, we had bought htis really shiny gold paper and they were going around afterward looking at their reflection in it. Then during the morning service they had a deacon installation service and dinner afterward. It was a good day I heard, and I was sad to miss it. On Sunday evenings the missionaries have their own service at one of their homes and again I missed that fellowship. Still I got to see pictures from my sisters and even watch video of the kids singing.

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