Sunday, April 18, 2010

Prison Ministry

Taught the 3 older girls bible class on Friday morning..on passover. They are such sweet thankful girls, they notice all sorts of funny things and comment about me and Holly have the same feet. They girls brought Holly and Marnie tons of flowers this morning and flower necklace. We weren't there long before Ellen came and picked us up to go to the prison. When we got there we found out that they had already started the service and the clinic doesn't begin till after that. We saw so many patients today. they come in in groups of ten I helped in the "pharmacy" and handing out tracts. Ellen and Carol diagnosed and Laura helped with odds and ends and listenend in to the problems. the worst thing we saw today was a man wiht most all his ear cut off.
The guys LOVED getting weighed on a new scale we brought over to help do physicals. In the pharmacy corner we kept getting bit. We heard later that the service, preached by Pastor Fant, went really well and a few new men attended and their was a good response. We were there for about 5 hrs. That is a long time on your feet! Then back to the house I was so itchy I had to go wash off and we rested a little before we had to head over for the evening family conference service. They do the prison ministry every week. They have seen some good fruit from this labor of love. They have also enjoyed seeing some funny skits and special programs put on by these men. So many of the men are Muslim but thankfully many have been told the truth about Jesus. The men there make some beautiful bags from feed sacks and sweaters they have unraveled. We bought a few and now I own three!

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