Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tradition! Tradition.

So I just finished reading Noel Piper's book Treasuring God in our Traditions, and just in time for Easter. I actually read the Easter chapter first since it was rapidly approaching but finished the whole book right before Palm Sunday. So I went from the Easter chapter thinking I'm going to make a lamb cake b/c that has so much more Scriptural meaning then a bunny cake and I'm going to the candle countdown, and the tomb with Christ outside the next morning... then I continued reading. Traditions are also important b/c its things family passes down through generations. I don't know if it's just because we won't see our families much as we are planning on leaving the country - but I was convinced it is also really important to hold on to certain family special traditions. In the end we used candles each night blowing one out until Friday when they all stayed out until Easter morning - the boys came out to find the candles all lit and "Jesus" not in the tomb any longer. Each night after dinner we read parts of the story of Palm Sunday, Gethsemane, the Lord's supper and the crucifixion, then Sunday morning - the resurrection. Also Saturday we searched for the Resurrection eggs to review what the boys had learned during the week. Mike's parents were here so I let her make her traditional bunny cake with them (and it will be a tradition we keep). As well as coloring Easter eggs and egg hunt- traditions in my family. At the same time I want to talk about Christ at all times but make these special times when we emphasize what Christ has done for us. One other tradition/value we both share from our parents and grandparents is to be faithful to church, not just Easter but every Sunday. I had a really emotional day the one day as I read about traditions and thinking about my godly Grandpa who passed away this past year. Traditions don't just happen, kids will ask why? God knew that, He wants us to point them to Christ when they do. Holidays are a great time, one my grandpa used, to share the love of God - but it does take some thought and planning. I'm so thankful he did, and we are. Caleb even asked me this week if our neighbor knew about Jesus. Each time we read Bible stories together he is learning more about God's love for him and his need for salvation. Praise be to God and his Risen Son, my Lord!

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