Monday, June 07, 2010

School's Out!

Actually we finished up Friday, May 21. Then we had some graduation practices. We found out Caleb's cousin Karis was coming so we held off our graduation night until this week so we could do it together. I thought back to my graduation(more of my sister's graduation b/c I remember those a little better) and tried to do some of the same things. Caleb and Karis walked in with their gowns and caps. They did the pledges and Titus and Caleb sang "America" followed by Caleb quoting John 3:16-17 and Titus saying Ps 23. Karis then sang "Do Right" as a solo and said the 10 commandments as well as Ps 1:1-3. Each of the kids read a portion from a book and then Caleb and Karis showed off their skills with clock work, money, counting, punctuation, and story problems. Each of them had written their own dictionary and us moms shared some of our favorite ones as well as comments about the school year before presenting them with medals and diplomas. It is so rewarding to see your children learn and grow. I count it a privilege to teach my boys. Titus also received a special award for completing his hooked on phonics cool woody/buzz lightyear cowboy boots, that light up and say Andy on the bottom. He was pretty excited and has worn them just about every day.

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