Monday, June 07, 2010

The New Dictionary by Caleb

Here are some of my favorite Caleb definitions:
backwards - When your car is going the wrong way
band aid - protects you from dirt coming in and keeps blood in so you don't get hurt worse
China - a state with water around it
Disturb - when I am talking and Titus interrupts
Imagination - when you think of something and it almost comes true
Iron - smoothing clothes out
Junk - when you throw your candy away in the trash..because its junk food
Karate - when you do a kick and say "eh-yaw"
Lightning - a yellow flash that strikes
Exercise - when you get all sweaty from running and lifting weights, it takes some of your energy away.
Glad - like being excited in your if you get a present
Gold - money that is shiny. You can find it by digging in the dirt
Nature - when you go into the woods for a hike
Noodle - a kind of food you can suck into your mouth
Underhand - when your hand goes under your armpit
Yawn - when you open your mouth and breath and noise comes out

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