Travelling was good and pretty uneventful although me and Laura ended up getting seperated only minutes after getting in the Pitts airport. Also Laura had rice thrown on her when the man in front of us jumped because of a snake on TV....funny. The night we got there we stayed in a mission house...good sleep, lots of rain as we came out of the airport. The driving is crazy there...mostly in the city. Not really a center line to be obeyed, more like who ever has the bigger vehicle has the right of way.

It was beginning to be planting season when we arrived and we saw many working in the fields. Also the President of Turkey was in the capital when we flew in so things were different. When we went to exchange our money at the hotel we walked around a red carpet laid out, we also were not allowed to park on the street out front. On our way to Foumban, where Holly lives we learned there are No porta potties, rest stops and hardly any gas stations. We stopped along the way to try some goat, plantenes, and saw saw lots of interesting things. A lot is new to me.

Our first day in Foumban we went to school with Holly, some visitation, then over the next 3 days the church had family conference meetings with Mr and Mrs Fant, who also flew in the same day as us. It was so good to be in Africa, with Holly and seeing what she has been up to. Doesn't she look good..and happy :)
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