Thursday, March 04, 2010

Abe 18 month photo shoot

A little preview of our attempt at getting professional photos of Abe today. This morning started with Mike and I feeding the cows and calves while my mom watched the boys. It took a lot longer as the pins kept falling off and we had to look for them..or go get other ones. Still it took us over an hour and the plan was that when we got back from that my mom and I were going to take Abe shopping to get the list of things we are taking with us for the missionaries in Cameroon as well as lunch and Abe's photos...oh and go to the library. All that before my mom had to be at a foll-up appointment at 2! Well we went to AC Moore, then to the mall to hit the kitchen store and target but it was time to at the portrait studio...on the other side of the mall. So I left my mom in line and speed walked to the place. Abe is such a happy baby (most of the time) he is easy to make smile, he has blue eyes, blond curly hair. He is adorable! but when he saw the strange guy with the camera and the big lights he went to tears. Now I knew he had hit the stranger anxiety stage but I thought if I was there he would be fine. I was so thankful the photographer was patient with us. He spent 50 minutes with us as Abe would cry, become unblotchy and then go back to tears. He did manage to get a few good ones..which is really all you need. Halfway through we changed clothes and I gave him a basketball prop. Then the session started going much better as he just enjoyed playing with the ball. We then went to Chick-fil-a for lunch and hurried mom off to her appointment while Abe and I headed to the library. Here are a few one ht shots of my 18 month old...I will probably post some of my own shots of him lately as then you will be able to see his wonderful smile on his face and in his eyes.

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