Sunday, July 22, 2012

No Photos :(

So as I went to blog about our next activity, my camera card did something really strange and converted my pictures into a document file, making it impossible to recover (my husband even tried) so he reformatted the card and I lost my pictures from July. I am thankful that their weren't very many on there..Here's what you won't get to see... Our family on all on one blanket watching fireworks, the Red White and Blue Parade, kids on go carts and pony rides at the festival, Small Rodeo action here in Mt. Home. You also missed but I am planning to revideo Abe playing a guitar singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." Lastly we had some of the boys friends over (me and 6 boys under 10) and we also had a picnic at the park, we saw so many turtles (snapping, snake neck, and red slider) and fed them as well as the ducks and minnows this week. Well anyway I am all caught up on my blogs again. We start VBS tomorrow morning and the rest of the summer is looking pretty busy, but I a have already started on my lesson plans since I have the boys books already, and I love doing it. Caleb started piano lessons this month too and we sign them up for soccer this coming Saturday. Hope you are having a great summer too. I certainly am enjoying all this extra time with the boys..oh yea that reminds me of one more thing, we got a small pool too, and we have been in there almost every day since. Enjoying the summer one (hot) day at a time.

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