Saturday was the Alumni game at Faith. We were a little worried when the high school team scored within the first minute of the game but Ben Anderson came back and scored 3 in a row. The alumni ended up winning 8-2. Mike is number 20. It has been a while since he has played soccer with anyone but his boys. He came away not too sore and with only a hurt toe (he is pretty sure he is going to lose a toenail). Me and the older 2 boys went to watch. It was fun to see their dad play (and play on the playground) as well as for me to get a chance to explain the game better to them. It was a good turnout. Now today (Monday) Mike was able to go to the opening school camp for Faith. Will Galkin is the speaker for the week. We are praying for God to do great things in these teens and staff lives. Please pray with us (and remember me as I have the boys this week).

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