Thursday, August 19th we kicked off our first day of school. Titus was a little concerned he was going to have to go to a real school. Not sure he is quite ready for that, we have been dealing with shy issues lately. We had an interesting start to the morning as Mike and his mom went into school for a meeting about school camp. Mike's dad helped watch Abe. Before we got started though I heard a great big OH-NO come from the bathroom. Titus had dropped his brand new toy into the toilet and I had the priviledge of saving it. The school day was mostly jsut an introduction of rules and the what we would be doing each day. Titus had one paper and Caleb had a small art project. I got them some cute Toy story socks and silly bands for a first day present. After school we headed out to play in the yard. The boys cousin, Matt was over and he was going down a big hill on the scooter. Titus followed and wiped out skinning his knee and hand. After fixing those with bandaids and some love we went back out and played some soccer. Next we made a chocolate chip zuccuni cake and by that time Mike was home again. After lunch we ran over to the lake ot do some tubing, swim and ride the jet ski. I think it was a pretty great first day of school. I really enjoy this opportunity. One of the biggest achievements of the day was Caleb's response about the day. He said "It was pretty good."

Caleb and his first grade teacher

Titus liked coloring his school bus on his first day of K-4
I'm still alive, but haven't been on the computer much this week. Looks like a great start to the day. We're starting the end of this week. Lesson Plans and Plans for the first day are on my agenda today. Sure missed you and yours this last week.
I meant "the year"...not the day. Sorry. =)
Looks like you had a fabulous first day!
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