Sunday, March 09, 2008

Laying low and enjoying some "bonding time"

Here are the boys on the mend - it has been one long week! Last Sunday Mike woke up a little sick, but still preached both services with a nap in between. We had a teen afterglow after the services but Mike came home freezing and much worse, thankfully the Rowleys helped us cover the activity. Mike has struggled all week but still managed to make lasagna for all the teachers and missionary families on Wednesday night. That's right, Missions Conference started this past Wednesday! Unfortunately Mike passed along his illness (well in different forms) Caleb woke up Tuesday throwing up, me Wednesday. The throwing up only lasted for a morning for each of us but left us with a barking cough and runny nose, fever... Friday night we felt mostly better but sat in the back of the church trying not to interact with people too much. Today we are good - although all took naps again but Titus has slept half the day away and did get a fever again tonight.
If nothing else we have spent lots of time together this week! We've read books, played Uno, Yahtzee, made up stories, sang songs, sticker books and snuggled. We also had really nice weather most the week so we were able to also keep the windows opened most days - that was really nice!

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