Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mountain View Folk Center

The donkey merry-go round
Candle dipping
Black Smith We had a wonderful trip on our second trip to the Mountain View Folk Center. This time we went with about 30 other homeschoolers. I did buy clay mugs for each of the boys with an animal of their choice molded inside. Caleb chose a bat, T a T-Rex and Abe an elephant; as their drink disappears the animal emerges. It was such a nice day together. Unfortunately Mike stayed home to put drywall up at the church. He has been busy with a lot of renovations. Last week he bought a truck - that helps with all that and is suppose to also help us get out of debt (the truck is older and half the price of Mike's Mazda). Now to sell that..of course I am writing this in January and this was back in September. We finally did sell it here in December!

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