Sunday, June 13, 2010

Time with the cousins

Before the summer got going my sister's family was able to come for a week. Our kids love being together (even though that is not always evident by their tattle tailing) but they really do like having any chance they get to hang out. We made it a pretty busy week with Memorial picnic, Graduation, My which we made S'mores over the grill, a day out with the sisters while the Dad's watched the kids, Getting Baby Raena's 6 month photos, 4 wheel rides, swimming, super-sliding, hunting for crawdads, trampoline fun and so much more. Then we get to go to NJ the beginning of July to see them again as well as help them with their VBS, and present our ministry in 2 churches. It's always a little crazy and a whole lot of fun.


joeandkris513 said...

Ai-yi-yi! That picture was for TITUS!!!! Not for facebook or your stinker! It was a fun week and we appreciate all your work with the graduation and your help with the kiddos when we weren't around.

holly said...

That picture is PRICELESS!!!! I love it. I can just hear the song "I am the big bad wolf...".
Everyone looks like they are sunburned. =)