Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

Proverbs 20:7 "The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.
Let's see this story starts a long time ago, as my dad in SS reminded me. I am thankful that I knew my great grandpa and that he was saved as well as the rest of my family before I came along. I have a godly heritage and am so thankful for the loving godly men I have had a chance to learn from and watch. I used to often sing "I want to marry Daddy when I grow up." I love my dad's happy disposition which is often noticed by the song coming from his mouth. I appreciate his humbleness in seeing he is human and a sinner and that he is strength and testimony. My dad often challenged me to give my all to God, to confess sin, stand for right, and to give. I always admired how my dad cooked, helped get us kids ready and made family time a I have all sorts of wonderful memories from my childhood. Now fast forward to college. When I first saw Mike he was standing on a table singing. He was going out on weekends to do teen rallies and later children rallies. I really never saw myself marrying him but we were good friends (the best way to start a relationship by the way). I then realized these were the qualities that were in my dad that I also desired of my husband..singing, loved children, loved ministry and loved me. Now my husband helps get the boys ready, wrestles on the floor, helps with meals and housework and continues to show all of us how much we are loved. I love my dad and my husband,the wonderful father to our boys. I am blessed. I thank the Lord so much for this godly heritage.
This morning my dad shared a verse I hadn't thought much about before that he said had guided him as he ever considered sin from Exodus 20. "Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments." He said if he wasn't faithful he always considered how that would affect his children, grandchildren..and so on. I am so thankful God has used this verse in his life and how we all need to consider how our decisions will affect our future generations.


Holly said...

I think your picture got flipped over somehow =). I like the new pictures!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the humbling observations. I'm glad you got the man of your dreams and I think he is pretty spectaclar too.