Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm Back

we have a new small computer (netbook) it wasn't until after we decided that we really didn't need anything on the other one so we weren't going to pay the money to fix it, bought a different one and then realized we did lose all the addresses of those we send our prayer letters too - AUGGHH! so we still need to figure out how to recover those. Also have a new haircut, as well as my boys..however we will save that for another post. We were in Connecticut when it stopped working and we stayed there until May. We had 3 meetings and ended up with 2 more for later in the year. We also were able to spend a great amount of time with our friends the Harpers. We were so thankful for their flexibility and the fellowship and fun we had there. While we were there my dad ended up having a bad infection after having a wisdom tooth removed and was in the hospital for a long time. Mike still is having pains, some days stronger than others and we are still planning on exploring those problems more. We had 5 days home before Mike and I had to be in WI for a Baptist World meeting. Caleb was going to be dropped off in MI for the week and Mom and Dad were going to watch the other two (but remember my dad is in the hospital...oh yeah did I mention in NJ) so my sister Laura came up from SC to help out with the boys and dad. Mike and I had a great time although we are still sore from sitting so much...travelling and then in sessions for about 12 hours a day. On our way home we stopped in MI to help celebrate Mike's dad turning 60. Anyway all this and so much more are posts you can look forward to.

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