Tuesday, March 09, 2010

For my Dad :)

My dad can't believe we are not out in the snow every day, enjoying it as much as we can. He keeps telling me that when we get to NZ we are going to wish for snow. I on the other had feel like we have been out often, we have went sledding at least 5 times, built snowmen twice (and once it was a whole snowman family), snow ball fighting and angels. But as he got home Monday night and saw us all outside he decided since the snow was still on the ground he would get out the 4 wheeler for us to enjoy the snow. Oh yeah...my sister and her 3 girls are here this week. So here we go..I was in coulotts, and boots (no socks or gloves) and my kids were not dressed much better. But we did have fun! Karis flipped her sled just about every time she went down. I ended up walking up the hill a time and a half. Abe really wanted to go down so he tried to run down the hill one time, I did take him down twice as well on the sled. There was lots of laughing from Caleb and Karis who really enjoy being together. Elissa opted to ride the 4-wheeler with Grandpa and Titus just watched. Here are some pictures of our fun. I am hoping this is the last snow of this winter though.

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