Thursday, March 11, 2010

Abe at 18 months

This week Abe turned 18 months. He is 26 lbs and 33 inches tall. This week he started shaking his head...mostly no but even if he means yes. This week he also learned what it is like to be outside and even cries every time he has to come back inside. His favorite outside toy is a yellow tractor we were given. He also tries to get a ride on the 4 wheeler as much as he can. When we are inside he loves to look at books. He has recently started going to sleep on his own in his crib instead of being held. Although he doesn't really speak he can do a few animal sounds and if you ask him to point to animals or mom, dad, will, grammy....he can. He is still working on getting those last 2 teeth through. Unfortunately he also has reached the stranger anxiety stage. One of the hardest things about going to Africa is leaving him and missing this time in his life, even if it is only 2 weeks. He is growing up so fast. I love his hair, smile and hugs. I Love my Abey Baby!

1 comment:

Chris Burkhardt said...

He is a cutie and I love his curls. He weighs 2 pounds less than Alyssa and she is going to be 4 next month! What a big guy!! Enjoy your trip. I have been thinking about you and pray you have a great time!