Sunday, February 07, 2010

SNOW! SNOW! and more SNOW!

I don't know what else to say these days. Every weekend we get snow and then all week it slowly melts and about the time its almost gone we get a bunch more. Several weekends church has been cancelled this in one of them. Outages (thankfully not us). and uncleared roads. It's hard to believe how much we have received this month. I grew up in WV over 20 yrs of my life and I never remember having so much. I thought about going sledding with the boys, even though we have been often this year, but I sent Caleb out to help with the cow feeding instead. I think it might be a little deep really. It could have been worse though, Friday it rained all day and didn't change over to snow till Friday night. Even now it is still lightly snowing but it is pretty. We had a horrible night sleep due to all the branches weighed down by the snow and hitting and scraping the house. The weather man is also predicting another storm come Wednesday. Times like this make you thankful for a warm house, water, comfy bed, lights, and all the other things we take for granted so often. I have been keeping my sister's family in my prayers often as they lost power in NJ Friday night and they say it may be a week till they get it back. They at least have a gas oven but have been keeping the gloves and coats on to stay warm in their house. Then I think of those in Haiti that have been living outside for a month now and have so little. So today I am praising God for all the little things.
Mike had a lesson for the boys this morning since we missed church. Caleb sang a special "I love you, Lord" (Hamilton) and we sang songs. Then Mike taught them from Psalm 18. God is my MY rock, shield, deliverer, fortress, horn of my salvation, and My God. The boys did a good job as we reviewed and then reminded them that because of this and so much more He is Worthy of our Praise. Don't forget to praise Him today for all the small things and the wondrously big things he does and is!


the johnson crew said...

beautiful pictures!

joeandkris513 said...

Still don"t have power, but the generator is great! Funny about Psalm 18...that is the same passage Joe used for us when we had home church the week before last!