Friday, January 03, 2014

So I am thinking about getting back to blogging so this is kind of a test to see who is still checking my blog.  Is facebook enough or do you miss the words to go with the pictures?  Please comment and let me know.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Hello from the Franklins in GA, yes, we missed your blog this past year. As a family blogger myself, I feel there are things I can blog about that I would not feel comfortable posting on facebook for the whole world to see. Of course, you can post your blog link directly on facebook now, but you cannot post facebook to your blog. Also, facebook posts are usually short sentences or short paragraphs, and I feel most people will not read a long post on facebook. Just my thoughts. Hope to see you continue as time allows. One friend recently posted an update from July - December on a blog, LOL.