Saturday, July 07, 2012

Our Family at the Wilds

my favorite being at the Wilds with my family (I like it ALL) Me and Holly on the giant swing
Caleb's favorite - Land Trolley
Titus' favorite - Mini-golf
Abe liked the slide, till he hit his head, he also went tubing and enjoyed shooting the guns at the water wars. He really loves uncle Will though, as you can tell
We tried out archery and slingshots as well as Frisbee golf
but watch out for those stairs they could kill you..or at least make you realize you are old and out of shape. When we weren't taking pictures of the teens we were enjoying lots of family time. Two of my sisters are nurses at eh The Wilds and my brother lives an hour away so he came up one day. The mornings are spent in chapels, God and I time, meals and watching the teens play a game. In the afternoons we crammed as much as fun as we could into our time. In the evenings Mike and I took turns going to the teen service since it was past the boys bed time but 2 nights I also took the boys up to the Junior camp services. The Wilds is a place to get away from the worldly everyday draws and refocus on what God has to say and what is important. I was so thankful for this refreshing get away with my family.

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