Sunday, January 15, 2012

Home again

When we travel now to see our family whether that be to MI or WV we drive by the arch...and for now I still take a picture every time. One of these times we will stop and go up in it.
Even though our trip to WV was fairly short (we spent 4 days in the car and 4 1/2 days at the farm), it was so worth it! my whole family was there. Mike shot 2 deer. We got to go shopping, found some great deals and my family went out to eat at LJS for lunch on Black Friday. I actually went out with my sister Holly Thursday night and then back out again the next morning. It was fun, a little crazy and we were very thankful God kept us out of the way of a really bad accident on the interstate that night. Also one day we were there, I got really sick but still so worth it!!


Holly said...

and I am so glad we got to go out both days! so much fun. do you remember that old navy line?! how I miss being around you more, but I am so glad you get to be involved in an amazing ministry down there. glad to see you blogging again too.

Jenny said...

I'm catching up with your blog (it's been awhile, obviously!) the arch is fun - a little claustrophobic for me in the elevator cars, but fun for sure!