Saturday, October 08, 2011

Our new Home - Mountain Home, AR

We left WV August 15 and 3 days later arrived in Mountain Home, Arkansas. We were working on getting a house but until it closes someone at the church let us stay in their one bedroom extra house. Each room was pretty good size and we enjoyed the family closeness, most of the time. Mike had prayer meeting the day we arrived. The next day we attended an open house for the Christian school. Tried to enjoy doing some outside fun with the boys since it was their last few days of summer. These photos are of the bridge that comes into Mountain Home over the Norfork river. We ended up using these photos to design our new church bulletins.

1 comment:

Son Lakhani said...

You're lucky to have those folks take in the entire family, at least only while your own (house) is under way. Though it's hard to feel at ease in someone else's house, it's the very gesture of the hosts that actually matters in the end.

Son Lakhani