Monday, January 03, 2011

Christmas Day 2010

Christmas morning we woke up to snow and walked up to my parents for an 8 sausage gravy and biscuit breakfast. That followed with the Christmas story being read by my dad except for verses 8-11, which Caleb quoted b/c he had memorized those. Then we took turns passing out presents to each other...Let me just say when 18 people all have gifts for each other that equals a lot of presents! After opening comes time with play with the gifts then my dad makes Christmas dinner. This year he made one of the best I can remember..a roast and mashed potatoes. My uncle's family came up to join us for that and then later my aunt and her daughter came for a visit. We ended up doing a short notice white elephant gift (but that does not go over with little kids who do not understand the concept of bad funny gifts). The kids opened stockings and we came back home to get a good night sleep. Here are some of the boys favorites!

Caleb got criss cross crash
Titus got a robot named Mike
Abe got a 4 wheeler

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