name: Titus Nathaniel Bennett
age : 4
conducted by :mom
date: August 2010
place: outside in MI
time: 10:40 AM
attire: yellow/gray sports shirt and shorts
thoughts about the day/child: nice cool day...fall is in the air. Titus is starting K-4 and glad he doesn't have to go to a real school. He gets very shy around new people. He is quiet and enjoys quiet things, his favorite things are the Wii, videos, computers and being read to. He is helpful and cleans up. He takes his time and is close to a perfectionist. He is emotional and cares for others when he sees them sad. He has a great giggle and beautiful blond curly hair. Although he was big as a baby he has slowed down and weighs only 36 lbs and 42 inches tall. One of the things we love about him most is his point of view, he is very funny. His favorite foods are corn on the cob and mashed potatoes.
1. What is your Favorite Color: Red
2. What do you think of when you hear the word:
Home: WV, makes me think of playing the Wii
Sibling: brothers Caleb and Abe. The baby likes to scream and Caleb likes recess
Magic: One time I saw Dad do magic, It's cool
Bedtime: I don't want to go to bedtime but unless he can sleep with kiss (his dog) and Thomas blanket
Love: that I love you!
3. What makes you feel sad? When my toys go in the toilet
4. What makes you feel happy? Watch king koopa movie and play Wii
5. What makes you feel scared? My dreams
6. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? A T -rex b/c one of my nicknames is T-rex
7. What do you want to be when you grow up? Playing the guitar and piano
8. Do you like your name? Yes I like being called T-rex
9. Who is the last person you kissed? mommy
*time i woke up- 7:30
*first thing i said – “OH NO” after he dropped his new skateboard toy in the just used toilet
*what i wore – yellow/gray soccer shirt and blue oshkosh shorts
*my breakfast – Fruit Loops
*fun morning activities – school, scooter riding (fell and skinned knee and hand while trying to go down the big hill like Caleb and Matt, made chocolate chip zucchini cake
*lunch - leftovers
*afternoon doings – tubing, swimming, and jet ski rides, naps
*favorite part of the day - recess
* My boat is sinking (at the lake when his juice cup with a boat on it got filled with OJ)
* So x-ray vision is like when Superman can see through a window!?
Mommy gave you silly bands and T Rex socks from Toy Story. School consisted mostly of rules and schedule of the days to come. Titus colored a yellow school bus. We had school at Gdma and Gdpa's condo. We had fun after an hour of school time playing at the house and then at the lake. Cousin Matt was here for the day. We played a new game called "Rat-a-Tat-Cat" they Titus really loved.
1 comment:
I love that amazing little, T-Rex!
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